Friday, November 11, 2016

From a friend on Facebook......Protesting because Trump became President

***NOTICE: Adult language. If your feelings are easily hurt, please leave.***

So we protest because Trump was elected President?! Yea that's smart and Very intelligent! What do those people think they are going to accomplish or gain! Give me a break!! People we go through this every 4 years and some of you act is if this is the first election in history! You say Trump is racist? Well if you r basing your opinion because of his stance on building a wall to keep ILLEGAL and undocumented immigrants out of this country.... Then I guess I'm racist to! If you are basing your opinion because he wants tougher back ground checks for other people coming into our country ... Yep I guess I'm racist there also! It appears that the American people have become naïve the the fact that not everyone in the world are nice honest or trustworthy people! Do I judge because of a persons skin color or religious beliefs? ABSOLUTELY not but I am not such a shallow person to allow the media to put blinders on me... I know what goes on in this country and can plainly see why President Trump feels the way he does and I support him 100%! We have set back and allowed the idiots that have been elected into office for years totally disregard the best interest of this country! We have allowed them to shred every ounce of hope that this country and its people live in unity and one accord! The American people set back on the rear ends and complain at what needs to be done yet don't do anything to start the process! Oh and don't let me forget that if you didn't do you duty and go vote then SHUT THE HELL UP! If you don't vote you have no right to complain about who was elected or the changes that person makes! Wake up people! We are on the verge of losing our country and our freedoms! We are on the verge of being a controlled government! Adolf Hitler said back in the late 30's and early 40's that in order to gain control of a society you have to take people's rights away at a a slow enough pace that they don't realize what is going on and when they do realize it.... It's to late to reverse it! Well my fellow so called Americans ... Look around we aren't far from that! Compare what Hitler said to alot of laws that have been passed or trying to be passed right here at home... Right to bear arms... Same sex marriage... O and this bullshit "Affordable" Care Act! This isn't the Free America that I was raised in! We as a Society have established a mockery! I'm so sick and tired of the American people pissing and moaning and yet doing NOTHING to change anything! Have you forgot what "We the people" mean and stand for? Stop acting like children! Really protesting on the streets of the BEST country in the world! Is our Government flawless? Hell no it isn't but as a person that has been to 3rd world countries TRUST AND BELIEVE when I say we have the BEST Government in the world today and history has proved that time and time again! So when laws are passed that you don't agree with... When people that you don't like are elected into office.. Ask yourself this..." Did I vote did I do my part in trying to fix the problem"? If the answer is no then again SHUT THE HELL UP! O and this analogy I didn't like either candidate or I didn't want either person to win.... Well you have just become part of the problem! Protesting on the streets of this GREAT COUNTRY that I personally have given freely 25 years of my life to protect and defend... Well that is just a slap in the face to me... To my fellow brothers and sisters in arms ..... And last but certainly not least... To the men and women that paid the ultimate sacrifice that gave you the right to act like idiots .... That gave you the right to act like children.... That gave you the right to do this disrespectful and unethical act of " terrorism " yes I said terrorism! What do you think you are gonna accomplish? A re-election.... A re- count!! Lol if that's what you think then again you are part of the problem! Trump won this election fair and he said for the last 18 months that he was going to win! Do you think he became a multi billionaire by making bad decisions? Grow up people and stop acting like children! I'm sure a lot of the people protesting and putting the President down have children at home... WOW what a role model you are! This is why prisons in this country are full! This is why we have to hire Correction Officers to babysit your children.... Children do what they are taught... They do what they see and hear their parents do... It ALL starts at home! So that being said... Take a bow because once again you are contributing to the problem! Not standing behind your President and giving him a chance is kinda like throwing the pilot off of the plane that you and your family are flying on! Give the man a chance... Stand behind him and support him! Stop acting like delinquents and thugs and stop destroying our country! The worst day in the United far better then the best day in 3rd world countries! Stop being the problem and start helping to be the solution! Is Trump 100% right on all of his idea and philosophies? Absolutely not but his vision for where this country... It's military... Is economy and several other things is spot on! It's time that we stand united and in one accord and do what we have to do to take our beloved country back! It's time we stop acting like cry baby sniveling brats and act like adults and set the examples for our young people instead of acting like thugs... Hood rats.... And the drags of the earth! It's time we stop killing our own people! Let all this black / white lives matter crap rest... Put it to bed ... Move on from it! Yes black lives do matter... White lives do matter... Gay/ lesbian lives do matter! I'm so sick of the American people having a damn sense of entitlement like the world owes them something based on their skin color ( white or black) .... Thinking that one race is superior to the others.... Thinking that because of once sexual preference that they have more rights than others ..... That we have to be careful what we say and do for fear off fending someone or we will be sued! That's some of the problem! We have adopted this attitude that we have to accept everyone's choices or we will get into trouble and they can sue us or we can get into trouble!!! Blah blah blah stop being a society of cry babies! Stop letting other people's choices dictate you! So when it was said in the campaign that we have become the laughing stock of the world.... WE HAVE... And it isn't because of our Government... It's because we as a society have become a society of dead beats... Thugs ... Hood rats... That get so tripped up in absolute bullshit! We live in a society that we don't have to agree with someone else's beliefs.... Someone else's sexual preference! We have that right to believe how we want! If you don't believe and accept someone's sexual preference... Great you don't have to..if you don't like someone's political beliefs you don't have to... And because you don't have to you should be sued or labeled as a racist! It's time we wake up and take our country back.... It's time we unite and stand together and Make America Great Again!!!!! 

(Courtesy of Clayton R., Facebook)

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