Friday, November 11, 2016

Final Days of 2016

In just 50 days from today (11/11/16) it will be a new year once again. On Nov. 8, 2016 we, the American people went to the polls and elected a new President of the United States. Of the two people running for POTUS (Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton), the American people elected Mr. Donald Trump. In the past few days, college kids by the thousands are protesting against the new POTUS, even tho he has yet to take the oath of office in January 2017. 

I didn't realize until last night how much fodder the left had give me. I dare say things are getting out of hand. There is even a call to have the new POTUS killed...all because their chosen one, Hillary Clinton, did not win. I will be highlighting ALL the garbage the left is doing but also all the good things to come. 

Hang folks, this is gonna be one heck of a wild ride!!!

Keep praying for our nation and its leaders and whatever you do, don't forget to pray for the left as they try to destroy what is left of their lives.


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