Sunday, November 20, 2016

New Law Now Charging All Protesters With Terrorism, Lawmakers URGING Americans To Share This

The United States is one of the best places to live. You have rights that are given to you from the Constitution, you have the freedom to do what you want (within reason of course), and you have the ability to live in one of the strongest nations in the world.
At least it is supposed to be like that. Unfortunately there are people called liberals that want to completely destroy everything that the Constitution gives you. They want to take away your free speech because it might offend them. They want to take away your ability to have a gun because they don’t like it. And finally they want to make the country into a globalist area.
Despite the fact that the United States was founded with the Constitution being the document that gives people power, the liberals have decided that they don’t like that anymore. They are literally doing what they can to destroy any evidence of that.
The most prominent example would be the fact that after the election was held, in which Donald Trump was the winner, entitled liberals were so angry that they decided they would go out and protest the results. Yes they were protesting the results of a FAIR election, despite the fact that there was still three million illegal votes cast.
And what do the Democratic leaders have to say about all of this? They have kept their mouths shut on the entire thing. Despite all summer long of having the liberals and their friends in the media saying that Trump needs to talk to his supporters for their “damages” caused, they haven’t done that either.
But it isn’t just the fact that the Democratic leaders are staying silent on the whole issue. There have been numerous reports that these protesters are actually getting paid by George Soros in order to create enough of a disturbance that something would get done. What the liberals want to do is stop the transfer of power.
That way Trump wouldn’t be the person in charge of the entire country. It would still be underneath President Obama. But that is what the liberals want; instead there is a new bill that is coming out that is sure to make liberals everywhere cry.
A Republican lawmaker has just come up with the perfect solution to make sure that these protesters stop acting like entitled liberals. The bill in question would allow authorities to charge protesters with committing “economic terrorism.” Washington state Senator Doug Ericksen is the one that is responsible for coming up with the bill.
“I respect the right to protest, but when it endangers people’s lives and property, it goes too far. Fear, intimidation, and vandalism are not a legitimate form of political expression. Those who employ it must be called to account. We are not just going after the people who commit these acts of terrorism. We are going after the people who fund them. Wealthy donors should not feel safe in disrupting middle-class jobs.”
The proposed bill, which is going to pass through considering that the Republicans control the House, the Senate, and the Presidency, would make
People Who Protest Like This Are Going To Get A Rude Wake Up Call

protesting a class C felony if they create any sort of “economic disruption” or “jeopardize human life and property.”
It would also mean that people that have been discovered to be in violation of this would face up to five years in prison, or a $10,000 fine, or both. Not only that, but any group that organizes a protest that is considered disruptive would also be charged with “economic terrorism.”
That means that these precious snowflakes that think they can get away with causing damage because they’re upset would have to think twice. But the saddest part about this whole thing is the fact that it was forced to be created. That was because the liberals that were protesting have a difficult time being peaceful.
They honestly think that the best way to go about this whole thing is to make sure that they cause as much damage and destruction as possible. And their defense for it is to say that they have a right to protest. The last time I checked, protesting didn’t involve lighting trashcans on fire or smashing car windshields. That isn’t a protest; that’s a full-blown riot!
And this is what we have been seeing from the numerous protests that have been going on since the election. There are people doing whatever they can to cause as much damage and destruction as possible. And these people need to learn that they can’t get away with this any longer.
Of course the other sad part is that a vast majority of these protesters didn’t even vote in the election. They had a prime opportunity to make sure that their voices were heard and they completely ignored that. And now they decided that they want to have their voice heard by causing as much damage as possible.
But that wasn’t the worst thing that they did. There was a report on CNN that had one of the protesters promising actual DEATH just to make sure that they got what they wanted. Yes these people are so crazy that they want to have people killed just to make sure that they get what they want. It’s people like this that had the bill created in the first place.
Share this article with your friends and family to show that people that are going to be protesting and causing damage and mayhem where they go are about to get a rude wake up call. A bill is going to be passed, thanks to an all Republican Congress, which is going to make sure that these protesters face justice for causing destruction.
This is just a way to ensure that we are stronger as a country under Trump. The past eight years have taught children that it is okay to be whiny and complain about everything. That time has past. We no longer have to accept the Band-Aid generation that was seen underneath Obama. This is just the first step into making this country stronger and it is going to continue. We WILL Make America Great Again!

Riot gear for anti-trump protesters

You have to admit.....this right here is funny! ROFL

Washington Post ‘Reporter’: If You Ask Questions About Anti-Trump Riots, You’re A Crazy Conspiracy Theorist


The media are not producing good stories about the organization behind anti-Trump protests because they think "organization" is a conspiracy theory.
A reporter for the Washington Post responded to a senator’s questions about anti-Trump protesters by comparing the senator to a conspiracy theorist who thinks the moon is preparing to invade Antarctica. That’s right: a journalist who works for the outlet that uncovered Watergate thinks asking questions makes you a crazy person.
This morning, U.S. Senator Ben Sasse had some questions:
Why don't we have more reporting on paid rioting?
Who pays for it?
How much?
Through what orgs?
Who are the "workers"?
Who recruits?
He followed it up:
Question for those certain there is no such thing as paid protesting:

Why not just report more on astroturfing then? Size? Funders? Limits?
These questions might just seem like an obvious and modest starting point for the type of things good journalists would look into. Obviously protests have groups organizing them and we have a history of paid agitation that we learned about as recently as, well, last month. It was a real, if woefully undercovered, issue throughout the campaign. There are probably a thousand good stories about the coalition power play between activists and the establishment in light of last week’s tremendous loss of power. Outside of newsrooms, people are wondering why these protests are being covered so kindly and favorably just weeks after the media spent three days melting down over Trump’s hesitancy to endorse an election that hadn’t occurred yet. (People tend to notice these things.) Inside newsrooms, it’s a different story. And Sasse’s tweets outraged liberal media.
Matthew Yglesias
One of Trump's leading former GOP critics now laying rhetorical groundwork for an authoritarian crackdown -->
I’m sure you can agree that Yglesias found a totally sane way to treat legitimate questions about protest organization.
Philip Bump used all his journalism skills to dig into the question thoroughly and conclusively. He spent so much time thoughtfully considering the questions and their answers that he had responded 90 minutes later with a Washington Post piece headlined “Sen. Sasse, here are some answers to your questions about ‘paid rioting’.”
And his superthorough investigation revealed that asking questions is a conspiracy:
Sasse’s question is a bit like asking why we don’t have more reporting on the fact that the Moon is preparing a superweapon with which to annex Antarctica.
Well, kids, I think we now know why we’re not getting (too many) good stories about the organization behind these protests. It’s because they think “organization” is a conspiracy theory.
He further explained:
So. Back to the senator’s questions.

“Who pays for it?” No one.

“How much?” Nothing.

“Why?” Like asking why the Moon wants to invade.

“Through what orgs?” None.

“Who are the ‘workers’?” They are “regular people.”
Um, if you say so, Philip Bump.
Funny thing about Philip Bump, of the Washington Post. You will never believe what his background includes. Take it away, Daily Caller, from when he was hired at the Post:
But lost in the media love fest was Bump’s partisan past — a history left unspoken in either the Post’s official announcement or any of the Twitter applause. Not only does Bump’s archive at The Wire betray a palpable bias in favor of progressivism; his career as a journalist began when he headed a vicious pro-labor blog which published the names and addresses of opponents later targeted by unions.
It goes on:
According to the political blog San Jose Inside, in 2009 Bump worked for the South Bay Labor Council (SBLC), a Silicon Valley-based union group with a penchant for making the political personal. Cindy Chavez, the group’s former chief executive, frequently targeted political opponents and local journalists who dared to stray from her preferred storyline.

Bump, for his part, was SBLC’s political director and administrator of “San Jose Revealed,” a pro-union website which published vitriolic hit pieces against the Council’s perceived enemies. Although the website was run anonymously, San Jose Inside discovered Bump’s connection through an examination of electronic evidence and two sources who alleged the SBLC made payments to him.

Under his direction, “San Jose Revealed” published the personal address — obtained under spurious circumstances — of a frequent target of pro-union groups. This individual’s home was later vandalized, with property destroyed and defiled with swastika graffiti.

Bump also reportedly published a map to the house of a deputy district attorney who prosecuted violent Bay Area gangs for a living, shamed a local business owner’s daughter for an unpaid garbage bill and posted the dating profile of an opposing local politician.
I think maybe part of the reason why nobody trusts the media is that they have paid activists writing their stories about why questions about paid activism are ridiculous. I could be wrong, but I think that might be part of it.
The failure to respond well to criticism or learn from mistakes might also play a role. Look at how Bump responded to criticism:
View image on Twitter
Also, this week the groupthink media narrative is that “fake news” is responsible for Donald Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton. And by “fake news” the media don’t mean “everything we published and broadcast and tweeted about the 2016 race, the candidates who campaigned in it, the storylines we pushed, and the storylines we suppressed.” They mean when your friend from 2nd grade shares a false story about aliens and Donald Trump. Yeah, that’s the ticket. They even pushed and promoted a fake news story about the fake news story, which is just awesome. I saw CBS News pushing the fake news story about fake news earlier today.
Well, I have an idea for where Philip Bump can start if he really cares about fake news. Back in March 2014, Philip Bump published fake information about, and I love this, how babies are made. He did it in service of attacking Marco Rubio and it was just so wrong that it was almost funny. I pointed out the error within hours, if not minutes. He still hasn’t corrected it. If he really truly cares about fake news and not just liberal activism, he should.
UPDATE: A reader found this 2013 Philip Bump gem from when he was capable of being inquisitive about paid activism:
The main question is this: Who hired Ovation to stage this totally authentic rally? Are there any morally questionable opponents of wind energy in the U.K. who are centered in midtown New York City and are willing to use money to buy allies, but not really very much money? Not that I can think of.

Update: Well, “Ovation” pulled the listing. (Of course.) But here’s a tip: If you wander around outside of Trump Tower in a trenchcoat whispering “man, i hate wind” under your breath, someone may hand you a $20 with a wink. You’ll know what to do.

Actor Goes off On Trump Supporters---their time to die

Michael Shannon Tells Trump Supporters It's Their Time to Die Now 

Michael Shannon may be on a press tour promoting his new movie Nocturnal Animals, but he’s also on the warpath, spewing harsh words at President-elect Donald Trump and any of the 60.9 million Americans who voted for him in the presidential election. And his feedback is getting pretty intense. Earlier this week he suggested that people supporting “the Orange Man” form their own country called “the United States of Moronic Fucking Assholes,” and in a new interview with Metro News, he’s sounding off again.
After suggesting that a civil war would be the only way to prevent Trump from assuming the highest office in the land, Shannon asserts that if you feel okay about supporting his presidency, it’s probably time for you to just die already. “There’s a lot of old people who need to realize they’ve had a nice life, and it’s time for them to move on,” Shannon said. “Because they’re the ones who go out and vote for these assholes. If you look at the young people, between 18 and 25, if it was up to them, Hillary would have been president. No offense to the seniors out there. My mom’s a senior citizen. But if you’re voting for Trump, it’s time for the urn.” And if your parents voted for Trump? “Fuck ’em. You’re an orphan now. Don’t go home. Don’t go home for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Don’t talk to them at all. Silence speaks volumes.” Despite being from the red state of Kentucky, Shannon says that no one in his immediate family “would ever remotely consider voting for Trump.” So, it sounds like no one around his holiday hearth will have to sit frozen in terror as he stares them down with his severely threatening gaze.

Gregg Popovich goes on passionate tirade in wake of Trump election: 'We are Rome'

Here is a guy who managed to find everything wrong with Trump but COULD NOT, for the life of him, find anything wrong with Killary Klinton. More than likely, he just ignored what he didn't want to see and saw only what he wanted to see. <ADMIN>

Many NBA coaches, players and commentators have shared their thoughts on President-elect Donald Trump this week. Gregg Popovich provided what I believe is the lengthiest response yet, prior to the Spurs game against the Pistons on Friday night.

The crazy thing is that it started with a reporter telling Popovich that many are wondering what his thoughts are on the election and Trump, and the Spurs coach replied, “I don’t think my voice is that important.”

As the reporter told him, no, his voice does matter, Popovich went on to explain what was going through his head — he went on for just under six minutes. Popovich talks about why the entire Trump campaign scares him, and why he’s so disgusted that so many Americans voted for Trump.

“I’m a rich white guy, and I’m sick to my stomach thinking about it,” he says.

Popovich closes with just three words: “We are Rome.”
“I’ve spoken on this before and I probably will again. Right now I’m just trying to formulate thoughts. It’s still early and I’m still sick to my stomach. Not basically because the Republicans won or anything, but the disgusting tenor and tone and all the comments that have been xenophobic, homophobic, racist, misogynistic, and I live in that country where half the country ignored all that to elect someone. That’s the scariest part of the whole thing to me.

“It’s got nothing to do with the environment and Obamacare and all that other stuff. We live in a country that ignored all those values that we would hold our kids accountable for. They’d be grounded for years if they acted and said the things that have been said in that campaign by Donald Trump. I look at the evangelicals and I wonder, ‘Those values don’t mean anything to them?’

“All those values to me are more important than anybody’s skill in business or anything else because it tells who we are and how we want to live and what kind of people we are. That’s why I have great respect for people like Lindsey Graham and John McCain, John Kasich, who I disagree with on a lot of political things, but they had enough fiber and respect for humanity and tolerance for all groups to say what they said about the man.

“I get it, of course we want him to be successful. We’re all gonna say that. Everybody wants him to be successful. It’s our country. We don’t want it to go down the drain. Any reasonable person would come to that conclusion, but that does not take away the fact that he used that fear-mongering and all the comments from day one. The race baiting with trying to make Barack Obama, our first black president, illegitimate. It leaves me wondering where I’ve been living and with whom I’m living.

“The fact that people can just gloss that over and start talking about the transition team, and we’re all gonna be Kumbaya now and try to make the country good without talking about about any of those things. Now we see that he’s already backing off on immigration and Obamacare and other things, so was it a big fake? Which makes you feel even more disgusting and cynical that somebody would use that to get the base that fired up to get elected.

“What gets lost in the process are African-Americans and hispanics and women and the gay population, not to mention the eighth grade developmental stage exhibited by him when he made fun of the handicapped person. I mean, come on. That’s what a seventh-grade, eighth-grade bully does, and he was elected president of the United States. We would’ve scolded our kids, we would’ve have discussions and talked until we were blue in the face trying to get them to understand these things, and he is in charge of our country. That’s disgusting.”

(Reporter tries to ask another question/add a comment.)
“I’m not done.

“One could go on and on. We didn’t make this stuff up. He’s angry at the media because they reported what he said and how he acted. It’s ironic to me. It just makes no sense. So that’s my real fear and that’s what gives me so much pause and makes me feel so badly that the country is willing to be that intolerant and not understand the empathy that’s necessary to understand other group situations.

“I’m a rich white guy, and I’m sick to my stomach thinking about it. I can’t imagine being a Muslim right now, or a woman, or an African-American, a hispanic, a handicapped person, how disenfranchised they might feel. And for anyone in those groups that voted for him, it’s just beyond my comprehension how they ignore all that.

“And so, my final conclusion is — my big fear is — we are Rome.”
It should be noted that Popovich just recently talked about why he fears America could be like Rome. In early October, he told Esquire‘s Jack Holmes:
“I worry that maybe I’m being a little too pessimistic, but I’m beginning to have a harder time believing that we are not Rome. Rome didn’t fall in 20 days or 30 years. It took a couple hundred years. The question is: Are we in that process and we don’t even know it? I really am starting to think about that. It’s not just the two candidates. It’s the way the whole thing is being treated.”
Back then, Popovich was unsure as to whether or not country was actually going down that path, but now it appears he’s nearly absolutely certain.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Gang of four are charged after 'beating' Trump supporter in horrific attack | Daily Mail Online

Four people have been charged in the videotaped beating of a man as bystanders yelled 'Don't vote Trump', Chicago police say. 

Christian, 26, along with 21-year-old Rajane Lewis, 20-year-old Dejuan
Collins and a 17-year-old girl who wasn't identified were each charged
with vehicular hijacking in the November 9 incident, authorities say.

Christian is from Broadview, Illinois, and Lewis and Collins are from Chicago.  

The attack happened in the 1100 block of South Kedzie Avenue, ABC30 reports. 

Wilcox, 49, says he was attacked after another car scraped his.  He
says he was beaten after parking and asking the other driver if they had

He told the Chicago Tribune:
'The car pulled up next to me, we side-swiped each other, but they hit
my car. I put the car in park, the light was red, I got out of the car. 
'One of the guys - African-American at the bus stop - said "Yeah, that's one of those white boy Trump supporters."

'And I said "What does that have to do with this accident? I just want to exchange insurance." 

'And then, the next thing I know, the guy said "Don't worry about it, we're gonna beat his ass."

then punches were thrown and the next thing I know, I had five people
on me, and I fell to the ground, I was kicked in the head, they were in
my car, stealing all my stuff. 

tried to go to the car, I got hit some more, I tried to get into a
defensive stance to try to ward them off a little bit, hold them back,
and then another guy said "Get the car! Get the car!"'

drove off with Wilcox's car during the attack on Chicago's West Side -
and Wilcox hung on for approximately one mile, ABC 30 reported.
Wilcox acknowledges he supports President-elect Donald Trump, but says he told no one in the crowd that. 

told the Chicago Tribune: '[Trump] might not speak perfectly
politically correct, but he's the best man for the job. He's the one
that's going to bring back jobs, the trade, get the people that are here
illegally out.'  

A witness has claimed that prior to the attack Wilcox used a racial slur, which Wilcox denies, ABC30 reports.

It wasn't immediately clear whether those charged have attorneys. 

Gang of four are charged after 'beating' Trump supporter in horrific attack | Daily Mail Online

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

“The View” Hosts Have Humiliating MELTDOWN On Air – WOW! [VIDEO] | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

 The shrews of The View had an epic meltdown over Donald Trump being elected President. It was delicious to watch. Whoopi Goldberg looked like she was ready for a straight-jacket and that old sea hag, Behar, was wishing she was drunk. She’s terrified that we now have a Republican president, Senate and House. Too freaking bad. Maybe now we can actually get something done and fix some of this crap you leftists have so royally screwed up. I hope and pray that Trump carries through on his promise to put true conservatives on the Supreme Court… the hose beasts of The View might not survive it and I’m good with that. Really.

Former Fox News contributor Jedediah Bila seemed to have her head screwed on right: “You have a Libertarian wing of the party, I’ve always said, ‘How does John McCain and Rand Paul wind up in the same party?’ They disagree fundamentally on foreign policy issues. I mean, Hillary Clinton was far more hawkish in her speech than Donald Trump was. So, I think there are a lot of checks still. I think the Republican Party is trying to figure out who they are and what they stand for, and Donald Trump will want to do some things in that party that some people will not approve of and will stand up against.” That’s exactly right… the Republican Party needs to decide what they stand for now and what they will do. They are still fractured and the battle for the heart and soul of the Party has just begun. Bila gets that… points to her for that insight.

From the Independent Review Journal:
It’s official — Hillary Clinton has conceded to president-elect Donald J. Trump after the GOP nominee stunned America with his election win Tuesday night.

Though voters on both sides of the aisle still seemed in shock Wednesday morning, few were as “colorful” in their commentary as the ladies on “The View.”

Whoopi Goldberg called it “shocking,” while Joy Behar said she was “slowly getting drunk” throughout their election night coverage:

“It was a rough night for everybody I think. We’re worried, the people are worried.

You know, okay, he’s the president, now what? We’re watching you, okay?”

Behar went on to explain what really scares her, which is a
Republican-controlled White House, Congress, Senate and, potentially, the Supreme Court.
Sarah Haines even had the stones to say maybe her critics were right and she was out of touch with what the world was really all about. Ya think? Candace Cameron Bure, an outspoken evangelical Republican, was thrilled with the results of the election last night, but she put it in the perspective of faith and hoped that Trump would keep his word. So do I.

But Whoopi Goldberg just couldn’t let it go. She kept digging at Trump’s character as if she has any room to talk. Glass houses and all that. She feels threatened by Trump and says her friends are afraid. I’m sorry… if she doesn’t like how he stands on illegal aliens, that’s just too bad. It’s called the rule of law. She speaks of the Constitution and God and in the same breath talks about protecting illegal aliens’ rights. It remains to be seen how Trump will carry out what he has said he will do. Whoopi is just going to have to suck it up and live with it or leave. Tantrums on air for a woman her age are extremely unattractive. She loved every socialist/communist policy that Clinton stood for, but bring in someone who may even do one thing conservative and she won’t stand for it. Shut it Whoopi. He’s the President now for all of America and you owe him a chance to prove himself. You certainly
would have done it for Clinton.

“The View” Hosts Have Humiliating MELTDOWN On Air – WOW! [VIDEO] | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Wisconsin radio station dumps atheists for Christmas music

Wisconsin radio station dumps atheists for Christmas music

 Wisconsin radio station dumps atheists for Christmas music

The Freedom From Religion Foundation, a motley crew of atheists, agnostics and free-thinkers, just got a lump of coal in their Christmas stockings.

WXXM, the progressive talk radio station in Madison, Wisconsin, has flipped formats – leaving the uber-liberal city without a place to converse about micro-aggressions, plot protest marches or swap quinoa recipes.

The Wisconsin State Journal reports that Liberal Talk "92.1 The Mic" will now be called "92.1 BestFM" -- "Madison's Home for the Holidays."

Yes, good readers – progressive talk was replaced with around-the-clock Christmas music. Ho! Ho! Ho!

Among the shows given the heave-ho as a result of the format change was "Freethought Radio," a show hosted by the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

"We opened up the Wisconsin State Journal the morning after the election to read the remarkable announcement that progressive talk had been banished forthwith on 92.1 FM and replaced with around-the-clock Christmas music," FFRF co-founder Annie Gaylor said in a statement.

Well, if that doesn't curdle an atheist's egg-nog I don't know what will.

"It's not exactly the appropriate vehicle for Freethought Radio now," Ms. Gaylor lamented.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is not a big fan of the Baby Jesus.

They make their living by filing lawsuits against towns that display the Nativity Scene and by bullying schools that sing Christmas carols.

They're basically a bunch of godless Grinches – pillaging and plundering their way through the yuletide season.

In 2015 the FFRF filed a federal lawsuit against an Indiana school district – demanding the little Lord Jesus be evicted from a Christmas pageant.

That same year, they were successful in banning public school choirs in Portland, Oregon, from performing at a Catholic shrine called the Grotto.

They also tried to bully the good people of Piedmont, Alabama, for making "Keep Christ in Christmas" the theme of the annual holiday parade.

But the FFRF's devious scheme was foiled by some mighty clever thinking. Instead of making it the "official" theme – the town decided to make it the "unofficial" theme.

Radio Insight reports the station's flip to Christmas music will lead to a new format after the holidays. It's unclear what that format will be – but it's unlikely liberal talk will return to the airwaves.

Christian Examiner reports the station's programming was being trounced in the ratings by conservative talk radio giants like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity (a great American and my colleague at Fox News).

Let's be honest – would you rather listen to Rush and Sean or a gaggle of man-hating feminists in Birkenstocks warbling about the virtues of organic gardening?

Progressive talk radio does not make for good talk radio and that's why WXXM opted to play Jingle Bells instead of blathering atheists.

Now that the Freedom From Religion Foundation has been silenced, the citizens of Madison will finally be able to enjoy the holiday season with peace on Earth – goodwill to men.

Christmas really is the most wonderful time of the year!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Electoral College: Make Hillary Clinton President on December 19

Poor, poor The libturds never quit being an ass because that is all they know how to do.

On December 19, the Electors of the Electoral College will cast their ballots. If they all vote the way their states voted, Donald Trump will win. However, they can vote for Hillary Clinton if they choose. Even in states where that is not allowed, their vote would still be counted, they would simply pay a small fine - which we can be sure Clinton supporters will be glad to pay!

We are calling on the Electors to ignore their states' votes and cast their ballots for Secretary Clinton. Why?

Mr. Trump is unfit to serve. His scapegoating of so many Americans, and his impulsivity, bullying, lying, admitted history of sexual assault, and utter lack of experience make him a danger to the Republic. 

Secretary Clinton WON THE POPULAR VOTE and should be President. 

Hillary won the popular vote. The only reason Trump "won" is because of the Electoral College.

But the Electoral College can actually give the White House to either candidate. So why not use this most undemocratic of our institutions to ensure a democratic result?


There is no reason Trump should be President.

"It's the 'People's Will'"

No. She won the popular vote.

"Our system of government under our Constitution says he wins"

No. Our Constitution says the Electors choose.

"Too many states prohibit 'Faithless Electors'"

24 states bind electors. If electors vote against their party, they usually pay a fine. And people get mad. But they can vote however they want and there is no legal means to stop them in most states.

NYT David Brooks: “Trump Needs To Decide If He Prefers To Resign, Be Impeached Or Get Assassinated”

In his Friday column, New York Times columnist David Brooks speculates about a new political dichotomy and writes that President-elect Donald Trump will “resign or be impeached within a year.” From Brooks’ column: “Finally, it seems important to be humbled and taught by this horrific election result…Trump’s bigotry, dishonesty and promise-breaking will have to be denounced. We can’t go morally numb. But he needs to be replaced with a program that addresses the problems that fueled his assent. After all, the guy will probably resign or be impeached within a year.”

However, while commenting on his column in a subsequent interview with KYRQ Radio in New York City, Brooks said, “Oh, and by the way – I forgot to mention ‘assassinated.’” The columnist then went on to say that “the whole ‘pen is mightier than the sword’ philosophy might have worked if we were talking about Hillary Clinton, but when it comes to Donald Trump, you don’t really need a pen, because he’ll bury himself soon enough.” “At the rate he’s going, I’m starting to wonder if he’ll make it through the first six months, let alone an entire year,” Brooks said.

He continued, “Here’s the thing about people like Donald Trump: they’re used to being able to use their money and their power to cover up things that they don’t like or that could damage whatever objective they’re trying to realize. Now, that works just fine when you’re a real estate billionaire who has a couple hundred eyes watching his every move; you can hide whatever you want from a crowd that tiny. However, the President of the United States not only has to answer and be scrutinized by 300 million Americans, but will likely be under the magnifying glass of all 7 billion people on the planet. Good luck trying to hide from that.”

“At some point very soon, he’s going to mess something up big time,” Brooks argued. “And when he does, he’s going to have to choose his next step carefully. It’s either going to be resigning, impeachment, or what I forgot to put in my column earlier this morning – assassination. And I don’t mean like, someone’s going to go after him with a sniper rifle or car bomb or something – I mean, he’s going to have the option of hiring someone to take him out. After all, he’s a businessman and it’s a character trait of most businessmen to spot opportunity where others see nothing. The man was always strived for martyrdom, and this is the perfect opportunity to get it. Heck, that’s the way I’d choose to go,” he said.

“And even if I’m wrong and there is someone out there getting ready to take him out, all I can say is – please dude, hurry up. This country can’t afford to wait and have laws brought forth that are going to make women throughout the country wear tight skirts and thongs as mandatory wardrobe just so us men could enjoy the view, or some other sexist, pointless piece of legislation. Please, deliver this country from the hands of an idiot with Labrador hair who thinks he’s God’s gift to mankind, and do it quick before any more damage is done,” Brooks concluded his message to potential Donald Trump assassinators.

Police attacked with rocks and bottles during anti-Trump protest

Admin's note: I don't have room for all the picture's so I will include a link to the article. WARNING: some pictures may be disturbing to the liberal snowflake.

Crowds fought through tear gas in Portland, Oregon, on Saturday night as they clashed with police in the fourth night of protests since Donald Trump's election victory 
'Kill the police!' Anti-Trump protesters chant death threats at cops in Indianapolis, and demonstrators are tear-gassed in Portland as tens of thousands take to the street nationwide for fourth night of violence
  • Police in Portland used flash grenades to control crowds who threw burning road flares at them
  • They arrested 71 people on the fourth night of violent protests since Trump's election win
  • In Los Angeles, 8000 people took to the streets and angry crowds blocked the Las Vegas strip too 
  • Other rallies took place in Atlanta, Salt Lake City, Washington DC, New York and Phoenix 
  • Michael Moore called on Donald Trump to step down as President-elect during protests in New York 

Police hurled flash grenades and used tear gas on protesters on Saturday night as anti-Trump demonstrations continued across the country in the fourth night of unrest since his shock election victory.

Seventy-one people were arrested in Portland, Oregon, where crowds threw burning road flares at officers. 

Hundreds gathered outside City Hall in Los Angeles to face off against riot police after a daytime march with drew 8,000 people. 

Other rallies took place in Atlanta, Salt Lake City, Washington DC, and Phoenix, as the anti-Trump backlash continued to grow. 

In Indianapolis, crowds chanted 'kill the police' as they threw rocks at officers in a separate protest. 

In Portland, officers battled crowds for the fourth night in a row and were forced to resort to using flash grenades to control them. 

The department revealed on Sunday that 71 people had been arrested throughout the night. They were transported to precincts on an arranged bus. 

A police vehicle was also spray painted with an anti-Trump message. Among those arrested was an 18-year-old who was charged with possession of a concealed weapon.

The Oregon city has played host to some of the worst of the riots since Trump's shock election win. A man was shot overnight on Friday as crowds marched around him. 

Police are still sharing CCTV images of vandals smashing store fronts and car windows to try to identify those responsible for the chaos. 

Indianapolis saw pro and anti-Trump voters clash, with one bold Republican driving a military truck through crowds wielding a 'Trump Pence 2016' sign. 

There were also protests in Chicago, where thousands marched through the streets of downtown and rallied outside Trump's hotel in the city.

In Los Angeles, police said 8,000 people had gathered to march peacefully during the day. 

Later, a smaller crowd of around 300 gathered outside City Hall to carry on the protest but were dispersed by heavily armed officers. 

No one was arrested at either event and police commended the crowds for their 'unity'. 

'LAPD continues to work tirelessly to protect the 1st Amendment Right of the people today and always. Be safe and peaceful!' read a tweet posted early on Saturday. 

Later, officers continued: 'Approximately 8,000 protesters in DTLA today exervising their 1st Amendment Right. No arrests have been made. United we stand divided we fall.

'Approx 1100 protesters in the DTLA area continue to express their freedom of speech and assembly peacefully. Thank you for the unity.' 

The presence of heavily armed squads made for a sinister atmosphere in the city.

The award-winning film-maker, Michael Moore, managed to scale Trump's famous escalator, however he was stopped from going any further by security guards on the fourth floor. 

Moore was then escorted back down to the lobby, however before he left he wrote a note to Trump.

'Mr. Trump. I’m here. I want to talk to you,' the note read.

Moore then left the building and tweeted: 'I'm in the middle of thousands -tens of thousands?- of American voters outside Trump Tower demanding he step aside. He got the least votes.

'I was able to get into Trump Tower & deliver him a message: "You lost. Step aside." SS took the note I wrote up & went 2 give it to him.'

Moore broadcast his journey into Trump Tower on Facebook Live.

After leaving the building, he spoke with protesters outside for more than an hour.

British right-wing politician Nigel Farage arrived at Trump Tower shortly after Moore left. He was allowed up to Trump's office. 

About 2,000 protesters have been marching along Fifth Avenue in Manhattan shouting "not my president" and other slogans.

The protesters rallied at New York's Union Square on Saturday before picking up steam and taking their cause into the street and toward Trump Tower.

Fifth Avenue was crowded with protesters for blocks. Police lined both sides, following along on foot and on motorcycle, but the group remained peaceful.

There were protests in other parts of the country as well, with the largest taking place in Los Angeles, where several thousands marched.

Protesters were denouncing his campaign pledge to deport people who entered the US illegally and his crude comments about women.

Cheers, chants and flag-waving mark Saturday's procession, which stretched for blocks through the Civic Center.

No arrests were made even though the train of demonstrators occasionally snarled traffic.

The mood seemed enthusiastic rather than angry. There are no reports of vandalism or fire-setting, which have marred previous demonstrations around the nation.

Earlier in the day, Trump's campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway was seen at Trump Tower in New York. 

She spoke briefly with reporters before taking an elevator to the President-elect's office.

Moore came under fire last month for calling Trump supporters 'legal terrorists' in an interview with Rolling Stone. 

In the interview, he said Trump would 'blow up the system' and his voters would 'participate in the detonation'.

Moore also compared Trump to a pedophile, saying voters had to protect America from the GOP nominee the way children should be protected from molesters.

Earlier this year the film-maker created headlines by predicting Trump's election win.

Report: University of Pennsylvania Offers Puppies, Coloring Books to Students Distraught over Trump Win

Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

Administrators at the University of Pennsylvania reportedly provided students upset over the results of Tuesday’s presidential election with emotional support puppies, coloring books, and chocolate.

The news was relayed by Penn student Daniel Tancredi, who told The College Fix that students at the Ivy League university were being coddled by administrators this week in response to Donald Trump’s victory in Tuesday’s presidential election.

“There were actual cats and a puppy there,” Tancredi told The College Fix. “There were sheets of paper available with black and white printed designs on them for students to color in. Essentially they looked like pages from a coloring book that were printed from a computer. They all had positive feel-good messages on them. Students colored them in with colored pencils.”

As a result of being distraught, Tancredi claims that students avoided talking about the election, as many of them were too shaken by the outcome. “For the most part, students just hung out and ate snacks and made small talk,” Tancredi said. “Of course, that was in addition to coloring and playing with the animals. The election was mentioned a few times, though mostly in very timid and fearful tones. The event as a whole seemed to be an escape from the reality of the election results.”

Tancredi claims that many professors at the University of Pennsylvania turned Wednesday’s class sessions into “safe spaces,” where students were invited to express their concerns about America’s future. “Some professors turned Wednesday’s classes into ‘safe spaces’ in which students could freely express their concerns for their futures. On a campus that voted 3612-375 in favor of Hillary Clinton, these open forums were naturally dominated by anti-Trump voices.”

“Obviously the diversity at Penn is not diversity of opinion since the opinion of almost half the country is almost unaccounted for on campus,” Tancredi claimed. “I’m also worried for my fellow students. If the result of an election takes this much of a toll on their well-being, what is going to happen when they directly face difficulties in the real world?”

College Students Given Coloring Books & Play Doh to Help ‘Cope’ With Trump’s Victory

In the life of a nation, there are moments of crisis and, in this nation, those crises have been blessedly few.

The war to end slavery and hold the union together.

The attack on Pearl Harbor.

September 11, 2001.

Its sons and daughters have stepped up to serve, to protect and defend, risking their lives to preserve a system of government that was the first in history to acknowledge the unalienable rights of mankind – among them, the right to elect their leaders.

After Pearl Harbor, a Brooklyn, New York high school senior dropped out and enlisted at age 17 – he survived the war and made some of the most revered comedies of all time, including “Blazing Saddles,” and “Young Frankenstein.”

The recipient of every military combat award for valor, including the Medal of Honor at 19 for holding off an entire company of Nazis during the liberation of France, Audie Murphy, had the help of his older sister making a fake ID so he could join the Army.

In fact, it was common for teenagers to lie about their age to enlist during World War II – there is even a group, the Veterans of Underage Military Service, which includes dozens of women veterans.

Today, however, after the legitimate election of a new president following a campaign waged in public and in the media over and 18-month period with televised debates, countless public appearances, radio and print interviews, many college students are unable to emotionally cope with a result that they never expected.

Today, some of the best and brightest young Americans run and hide, riot and destroy, and post videos of themselves sobbing because a free and open election didn’t turn out their way.

Cocooned in echo chambers where they are exposed only to ideas and beliefs that reflect their own, shielded from rigorous intellectual debate, coddled by university administrators who provide “safe spaces” where they can hide from a single surname written in chalk, and indulged by cowed professors who cancel exams in deference to their delicate emotions – today’s students are unable to discern the difference between disappointment and the end of the world.

In the wake of the surprise victory of Republican candidate Donald Trump, universities saw themselves not as a forum for debate or even protest, but as babysitters charged with comforting students who were unable to deal with reality.

Tufts University made an arts and crafts center available.

The University of Kansas invited therapy dogs to campus for comfort.

The University of Michigan had a play area with coloring books.

Cornell hosted what it termed a “cry-in” where faculty and staff handed out hot cocoa and tissues.

Thank God the fate of the free world, including the liberation of a continent, didn’t hinge on the response of young men and women who – although old enough to marry, sign contracts, pilot a plane, give consent for surgery, open a bank account, buy a home, donate blood, learn to skydive and apply for their own passport – prefer to remain children rather than take their place as adults in a world where sometimes things just don’t go as planned.

Police Calm Millennial Protesters By Handing Out Participation Trophies

U.S.—As anti-Trump rallies nationwide turned hostile overnight with widespread reports of violence, looting, vandalism, and death threats against the president-elect and his supporters, police in numerous major cities were able to instill calm and regain control by handing out participation trophies to all millennial protesters who were enraged about losing the election, sources confirmed.

The shrewd tactic was the idea of New York Police Officer Joe Butler, who has three twentysomething children himself, and noted to reporters Thursday that he remembered how his children “never had to deal with losing as they were growing up.”

“It’s a foreign notion to them. Even in sports—win or lose, everyone won, and everyone got a trophy no matter what. This is the millennial way,” he said. “So I had the idea—hey, why not start handing out participation trophies to the protesters, and telling them ‘Hey, you know what? You may have lost the election, but look—everyone gets a trophy. Everyone’s a winner.'”

Seeing how the trophies had an instantaneous calming effect on the millennials and filled them with a sense of fulfillment and achievement, word spread quickly among police departments nationwide, and emergency trophies were procured by the thousands for use at the rallies.

At publishing time, police had regained control in cities across the country, and the crowds of now-content protesters were heading home with their trophies, according to sources.

WATCH: Cornell University Holding 'Cry Ins' To 'Mourn' Trump Win

You have got to be kidding me.....a freakin' "cry-in"? It's no wonder our kids are coming out of college dumber than when they went in.

On Tuesday night, President-elect Donald Trump pulled off one of the greatest upsets in political history, defying all odds and abundant mockery to become the next leader of the free world. Trump backers were filled with vindication and hope, while liberals had nervous breakdowns; some threw temper tantrums in the streets and burned American flags; some displayed their notorious #tolerance by assaulting Trump supporters; and others, like those on the campus of Cornell University, staged "cry ins." 

As reported by The Cornell Sun on Wednesday, over 50 fragile students gathered together on campus to "mourn" the Trump win with a "cry in," "braving the cold, wind and occasional rain," the Sun unironically notes. 

Said "cry in" apparently included Cornellians sitting "in a circle to share stories and console each other" while organizers encouraged "attendees to gather closer together and 'include each other.'"

"Willard Straight Hall Resource Center employees gave out blankets, tissues and hot chocolate to keep participants warm, while students signed posters with words of encouragement and protest, including 'Donald Trump is not my president,'" reports the Sun. 

Presumably, there were also coloring books and puppies passed out to advance their healing over the results of the peaceful democratic election.

Screenshot: Facebook
The co-president of Planned Parenthood Generation Action (PPGA) at Cornell, Zoe Maisel, helped organize the "cry in" late Tuesday night, after she was apparently triggered by the defeat of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Maisel and co-president Cassidy Clark wanted the safe space for "those of us who have been fighting."

"We need to just take a break and just cry before … tomorrow we get back up and keep fighting, because people feel really, really powerless," said the advocate for killing the truly powerless, unborn children. 

"This event was just to come together and support each other, because we’re all in shock right now," said freshman Alanna Salwen, design chair for PPGA at Cornell.

Maisel and company never even contemplated a Trump presidency, she said. "Two weeks ago, the co-president and I jokingly said ‘Oh, we need to do something if Trump wins,' but never actually thought that would happen," said Maisel. 

"Maisel noted that the president elect’s rhetoric, specifically targeting minorities, immigrants and women, has devastated many who feel that they will be especially vulnerable and unwelcome in Trump’s America," reports the Sun.

Screenshot: Twitter

“It is a really emotional time, for people who feel personally targeted by the rhetoric that’s been shared and the policies that have been talked about,” she added, afraid that baby-murder might be outlawed with the potential repeal of Roe v. Wade.

“I think now, we’re all just grieving… because it’s four years, four years of this, and we all need time to process that and then we’re going to gather ourselves up and figure out a way to fight this,” said Salwen.

“There’s no way we’re going to let his bigotry, sexism, racism, homophobia, xenophobia define this country — even though it defines the presidency at this point in time,” she added. “I think this is really a turning point in America — whatever that means.”

Grown adult and Campus Activities Coordinator Denice Cassaro was apparently in tears too, telling the Sun that the election results were “devastating.”

“I have no words,” said Cassao, standing with crying students. 

Holy pathetic. 

To view those at the "cry in" and other hysterical Cornellians react to the Trump win, watch below: Go to to watch video.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Mom investigated after kicking out son, 7, for Trump vote

ADMIN'S NOTE: Someone needs to kick this woman's ass up around her neck and let her farts take her out. Just sayin'.

Video found at

In the wake of Donald Trump’s Tuesday victory, supporters of Hillary Clinton have stunned America with their emotional meltdowns, vulgar rants, riots and acts of violence against Trump voters, but what happened to this little boy for his vote in a school mock election may be the cruelest act of all.

He’s only seven.

His tormenter is his own mother, who was apparently proud enough of what she did that she videoed it and posted it to YouTube. Now, after 10 million views in 24 hours, Americans are shocked and angry.

The two-minute video begins with the unidentified woman telling her son “Since you voted for Donald Trup, you get your s*** and get out. The suitcase is packed by the door … been packed since 10 this morning. Bye.”

As the youngster realizes what his mother is demanding, he becomes hysterical, but the woman continues, insisting he take a hand-written sign she has prepared that read, “My mom kicked me out because I voted for Donald Trump.”

“Matter of fact, get your sign so when the people see you outside, they know why you’re standing out there. Here you go. Take your sign. Go. … We don’t do Donald Trump her.”

After the boy has been forced out, he walks, pulling his suitcase, to the sidewalk.

The woman follows, berating the boy further.
“Bye. Bye Donald Trump lover.”

When she quizzes the child as to why he had voted for Trump in his school’s mock election, the boy, through sobs, said it was because he had seen him on TV so many times.

“Well, I hope you find another TV to see him on because this is going to be your new home,” she replies.

The viral video eventually came to the attention of the Fort Bend Sheriff’s Office and Child Protective Services and the matter is under investigation, reported KHOU News in Houston.

The woman told detectives she made the video as a joke and apologized for it. Detectives said they met with the family and the child appears to be OK and that no evidence of criminal wrongdoing was found.

That will unlikely satisfy viewers on social media who have left comments:
  • Heartbreaking. This woman should be tarred and feathered?
  • No crime?! How about mental and emotional abuse?!
  • Her “joke” was emotionally traumatizing to him and his brother. Guess she wanted ratings at the expense of her children.
  • No evidence ?!?! She needs to go to prison for abuse. That kid is terrified.
  • Her name is Glo Stallworth, she’s on Facebook. Have fun.
  • NYC they can arrest you for failing to call a “trans” person by the proper pronoun.
  • That is the ultimate betrayal a child could ever know.

Friday, November 11, 2016

7 Harsh Realities Of Life Millennials Need To Understand

They may not yet be the present, but they’re certainly the future. These young, uninitiated minds will someday soon become our politicians, doctors, scientists, chefs, television producers, fashion designers, manufacturers, and, one would hope, the new proponents of liberty. But are they ready for it?
Time after time, particularly on college campuses, millennials have proven to be little more than entitled, spoiled, anti-intellectual brats who place far too much emphasis on feelings and nowhere near enough emphasis on critical thinking. To the millennial, words are cause for the creation of safe spaces, alternative ideas must be stifled, and anything they perceive to be a microaggression is enough to send them spiraling into a state of mental distress.
It’s time millennials understood these 7 harsh realities of life so we don’t end up with a generation of gutless adult babies running the show.

1. Your Feelings Are Largely Irrelevant


Seriously, nobody who has already graduated college cares about your feelings. That means that when you complain to your boss because your co-worker mis-gendered you, he’s probably not going to bend over backwards to bandage your wounds. Given feelings are entirely subjective in nature, it’s completely unreasonable to demand everyone tip-toe around you to prevent yours from being hurt. The reality is that people will offend you and hurt your feelings, and they won’t stop to mop up your tears because they shouldn’t have to. Learning to accept criticism, alternative viewpoints, and even outright insults will make you happier in the long run than routinely playing the victim card.

2. You Cannot Be Whatever You Want To Be


This is a comforting lie parents have started telling their children to boost their morale in school. Unfortunately, millennials are now convinced it’s true, especially as society has now decided to push this narrative as well. The reality is if you’re 17 years old and still can’t figure out basic division, you’re not going to be a rocket scientist. If you’re overweight and unattractive, you’re not going to be the quarterback’s prom date. If you lack fine motor skills, you’re not going to be a heart surgeon. It’s okay to accept that you cannot be whatever you want to be. In fact, once you accept this, you’ll be able to focus on the things you can be — the things you really are talented at.

3. Gender Studies Is A Waste Of Money


You heard me. While some millennials taking useless degrees will claim they’re beneficial for teaching or research positions, the reality is that they just put themselves several thousands dollars in debt to learn how to be a professional victim. While you’re struggling to make ends meet after graduation because nobody who pays more than minimum wage is interested in your qualifications and you’re drowning in student loan debt, be sure to check out the next harsh reality before you start complaining.

4. If You Live In America, You’re Already In The 1%


That’s right. Even though you work at McDonald’s for minimum wage because you got a useless, outrageously expensive college degree, you’re still far better off than the vast majority of the planet. Don’t believe me? Fly to Uganda and check out the living conditions there. Fly to China, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Iran, Russia, and even European countries like Ukraine and Greece, and you’ll quickly discover just how well-off you really are. While it may be cool these days to dump on capitalism, it’s the only reason you aren’t already worse off.

5. You Don’t Have A Right To It Just Because You Exist


That includes healthcare, guaranteed income, and somewhere to live. Just because you’re here and breathing doesn’t mean society owes you anything. Like the billions of people who lived before you, working hard is a better guarantor of wealth and the ability to comfortably take care of yourself than begging society or the government to do it for you. Demanding healthcare be a right, for example, is equivalent to demanding government force the taxpayer to pay for it. While that may seem like a good idea in theory, it only leads to rationing of care when costs become unsustainable, which negatively impacts not just your health, but everyone else’s, too.

6. You DO Have The Right To Live As You Please  But Not To Demand People Accept It


By contrast, you do have the right to live however you please, so long as it’s within the confines of the law. If you want to cross-dress, smoke marijuana, drink lots of alcohol, have lots of sex, and, yes, even go to school for gender studies, then by all means, go for it. Government should not be allowed to legislate people’s behavior as long as it doesn’t infringe upon someone else’s rights, but that doesn’t mean society isn’t allowed to have an opinion. You don’t have the right to demand people keep their opinions about your lifestyle to themselves, especially if you’re open and public about it. I have as much of a right to comment on the way you live your life as you do to actually live it. Your feelings are not a protected right, but my speech is.

7. The Only Safe Space Is Your Home


No matter where you go in life, someone will be there to offend you. Maybe it’s a joke you overheard on vacation, a spat at the office, or a difference of opinion with someone in line at the grocery store. Inevitably, someone will offend you and your values. If you cannot handle that without losing control of your emotions and reverting back to your “safe space” away from the harmful words of others, then you’re best to just stay put at home. Remember, though: if people in the outside world scare you, people on the internet will downright terrify you. It’s probably best to just accept these harsh realities of life and go out into the world prepared to confront them wherever they may be waiting.