Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Memo to Leftists: I Am a Hater -- So Many Things I Hate »


I hate the world you are creating. You must be smart enough to know, or at least sense, that when you reject the God of love, you create a vacuum, a loveless mosh pit. For some of you, that is your goal, the storm you think necessary in preparation for utopia.  Utopia is an empty promise, an exposed lie, proven so throughout history.
Like all dictators, you never deliver utopia, only anguish, and genocide.
I hate the way you harden hearts by making life cheap, sending the message all is random and meaningless by promoting the killing of babies in the womb, and the killing of the elderly and the disabled.
I hate the way you promote selfishness calling it a virtue. You enslave and brainwash the unsuspecting, threatening them to conform, appealing to selfish impulse, guaranteeing misery.
I hate the way you manipulate people with lies. Your ideology is your god, and you worship it fanatically. You demand power, centralized, concentrated power. It is the ultimate ego trip. Why do you want so much power? The answer can only be: you derive great satisfaction dominating others, controlling the world, enforcing conforming. It’s a perverse sexual addiction, entirely selfish, always packaged as benevolence and altruism.
I hate the way you attack people. No false accusation is out of bounds. No slander too cruel. No assault too vicious. You are all about merciless aggression, the satanic séance.
I hate how you exploit the poor. You always promise deliverance, and never deliver. Instead you raise taxes to subsidize growing populations of hopeless and dependent people.
I hate the way you provoke racial divisions and tensions only to amass more power by demonizing all opposition, smearing everyone a racist.
I hate the way you ridicule goodness and decency.
I hate the way you use deception like a carving knife, always ready to slice up the next victim of the death culture.
I hate your arrogance which gives you permission to participate in such evils. You have launched a Secular Inquisition demanding everyone convert to secular humanism on pain of deportation, or worse.
And at the same time I marvel at the Love of God who is forever available to anyone courageous enough to admit error, repent, believe and receive Christ, and walk in the newness of life.
It is not your way: it is the Real Way.

Memo to Leftists: I Am a Hater -- So Many Things I Hate »

'via Blog this'

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Donald Trump tells soldier’s widow ‘he knew what he signed up for’ - National |

Every soldier knows what could happen. I was one once and I knew that if bad became the worst case scenario, I could die. I suppose some of these kids think the military is all fun and games. It's not. There will be good times but there WILL, at some point, be a very sad time. <Admin>

U.S. President Donald Trump told the widow of an American soldier that “he knew what he signed up for… but when it happens it hurts,” when he died in action, according to reports.
Rep. Fredierica Wilson said he made the remarks to Myeshia Johnson, the wife of U.S. Army Sgt. La David T Johnson, Tuesday afternoon before the Sergeant’s remains arrived in the United States.
“It’s so insensitive. He should have not have said that. He shouldn’t have said it,” she said, according to ABC News.
Johnson died in an attack on Niger on Oct. 4, along with three other Americans.
Johnson’s Special Forces group was assisting Nigerians on how to deal with terrorism and terrorist groups, according to U.S. military officials.
“David was a young man from our community who gave his life for our country. He’s a hero. I was in the car when President Trump called. He never said the word hero. He said to the wife, ‘Well, I guess he knew what he was getting into,’” Wilson told CBS News.
“How insensitive can you be?”
Myeshia, who is pregnant with their third child, and her children collected the coffin of her husband at Miami International Airport. Local politicians and officials lined up to honour him as his body was brought home.
Wilson told reporters that the comments made Myeshia break down in tears.
Trump’s phone call comes as the president has pulled bereaved military families into a painful political fight of his own making.
Earlier this week, he told reporters that “I think I’ve called every family of someone who’s died,” though that claim was disputed by the Associated Press.
WATCH: Trump retracts claim that Obama never called families of fallen soldiers

He also called into question former president Barrack Obama’s actions, saying he didn’t call every fallen soldier’s family.
“You could ask General Kelly, did he get a call from Obama?” Trump asked on Fox News Tuesday morning.
John Kelly, a Marine general under Obama, is Trump’s chief of staff. His son, Marine 2nd Lt. Robert Kelly, was killed in Afghanistan in 2010. John Kelly was not seen at Trump’s public events Tuesday.
Trump’s posture has been defensive in recent days after he was criticized for not reaching out right away to relatives of the soldiers killed in Niger. On Monday, Trump said he’d written letters that hadn’t yet been mailed; his aides they had been awaiting information on the soldiers before proceeding.
The U.S. Department of Defense is investigating the attack in Niger.

Donald Trump tells soldier’s widow ‘he knew what he signed up for’ - National |