Wednesday, January 17, 2018

How Humanists Overthrew the Foundations of Our Republic

How Humanists Overthrew the Foundations of Our Republic:

What if a group of people set out to change America – without telling you or asking your permission?
The precepts that underlie the foundation of our Republic are revealed by one of the most famous sentiments in all of human history. After referring to “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” in the opening paragraph of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson then declared:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” 
These ideas, so central to the founding generation, were rejected by secular progressives. Arising in the U.S. in the period 1880-1920, progressives were determined to reformulate America as a humanistic enterprise. Toward this end, they set out to capture the institutions of our nation in order to transform it. 
They were tremendously successful. Before the end of the 1920s, Roscoe Pound, dean of Harvard Law School, was able to say with confidence that “the cycle is complete. We are back to the [governing] state as the unchallengeable authority behind legal precepts. The state takes the place of Jehovah handing the tablets of the law to Moses. ” (Emphasis added.) 
Along with changing views on the power and primacy of the state came changing views on the nature of man. One of the leading progressive theorists of the day, John Dewey, who had a dramatic impact on public schools in America, believed that human beings actually had no “nature.” 
According to Thomas G. West, professor of politics at Hillsdale College and author of Vindicating the Founders, Dewey believed human beings “are born as empty vessels, as nothing in themselves.” The state had the obligation to fill those empty vessels. 
“[S]ocial arrangements, laws, institutions … are means of creatingindividuals,” said Dewey. “Individuality in a social and moral sense is something to be wrought out.” (Emphasis in original.) 
What about the divinely-granted “unalienable rights” mentioned in the Declaration of Independence? Dewey and the progressives dismissed them.
“Natural rights and natural liberties exist only in the kingdom of mythological social zoology,” he said.
Find out more.
Editor’s Note: The short blog above – the first of several in a series – is a summary of one of the hard-hitting chapters in the exciting new booklet from AFA – The Progressive Threat to the American Republic. This powerful tool pinpoints the core principles of secular humanism and traces the way in which progressivism has reshaped the United States. The booklet's six short chapters cover God’s revelation in nature, natural law, the progressive attempt to take over the institutions of America, the intent to replace God with a humanistic state, the demand of the Leviathan state to ultimately require unconditional obedience, and the humanistic tendency toward fascism. Also included are discussion questions for personal reflection, small groups, or Sunday school classes.
Much of the material is also available as a Cultural Institute lecture by the booklet's author, Ed Vitagliano.
You can get multiple copies of both the booklet and the Cultural Institute lecture here. Share with family, friends, and fellow church members.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Memo to Leftists: I Am a Hater -- So Many Things I Hate »


I hate the world you are creating. You must be smart enough to know, or at least sense, that when you reject the God of love, you create a vacuum, a loveless mosh pit. For some of you, that is your goal, the storm you think necessary in preparation for utopia.  Utopia is an empty promise, an exposed lie, proven so throughout history.
Like all dictators, you never deliver utopia, only anguish, and genocide.
I hate the way you harden hearts by making life cheap, sending the message all is random and meaningless by promoting the killing of babies in the womb, and the killing of the elderly and the disabled.
I hate the way you promote selfishness calling it a virtue. You enslave and brainwash the unsuspecting, threatening them to conform, appealing to selfish impulse, guaranteeing misery.
I hate the way you manipulate people with lies. Your ideology is your god, and you worship it fanatically. You demand power, centralized, concentrated power. It is the ultimate ego trip. Why do you want so much power? The answer can only be: you derive great satisfaction dominating others, controlling the world, enforcing conforming. It’s a perverse sexual addiction, entirely selfish, always packaged as benevolence and altruism.
I hate the way you attack people. No false accusation is out of bounds. No slander too cruel. No assault too vicious. You are all about merciless aggression, the satanic séance.
I hate how you exploit the poor. You always promise deliverance, and never deliver. Instead you raise taxes to subsidize growing populations of hopeless and dependent people.
I hate the way you provoke racial divisions and tensions only to amass more power by demonizing all opposition, smearing everyone a racist.
I hate the way you ridicule goodness and decency.
I hate the way you use deception like a carving knife, always ready to slice up the next victim of the death culture.
I hate your arrogance which gives you permission to participate in such evils. You have launched a Secular Inquisition demanding everyone convert to secular humanism on pain of deportation, or worse.
And at the same time I marvel at the Love of God who is forever available to anyone courageous enough to admit error, repent, believe and receive Christ, and walk in the newness of life.
It is not your way: it is the Real Way.

Memo to Leftists: I Am a Hater -- So Many Things I Hate »

'via Blog this'

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Donald Trump tells soldier’s widow ‘he knew what he signed up for’ - National |

Every soldier knows what could happen. I was one once and I knew that if bad became the worst case scenario, I could die. I suppose some of these kids think the military is all fun and games. It's not. There will be good times but there WILL, at some point, be a very sad time. <Admin>

U.S. President Donald Trump told the widow of an American soldier that “he knew what he signed up for… but when it happens it hurts,” when he died in action, according to reports.
Rep. Fredierica Wilson said he made the remarks to Myeshia Johnson, the wife of U.S. Army Sgt. La David T Johnson, Tuesday afternoon before the Sergeant’s remains arrived in the United States.
“It’s so insensitive. He should have not have said that. He shouldn’t have said it,” she said, according to ABC News.
Johnson died in an attack on Niger on Oct. 4, along with three other Americans.
Johnson’s Special Forces group was assisting Nigerians on how to deal with terrorism and terrorist groups, according to U.S. military officials.
“David was a young man from our community who gave his life for our country. He’s a hero. I was in the car when President Trump called. He never said the word hero. He said to the wife, ‘Well, I guess he knew what he was getting into,’” Wilson told CBS News.
“How insensitive can you be?”
Myeshia, who is pregnant with their third child, and her children collected the coffin of her husband at Miami International Airport. Local politicians and officials lined up to honour him as his body was brought home.
Wilson told reporters that the comments made Myeshia break down in tears.
Trump’s phone call comes as the president has pulled bereaved military families into a painful political fight of his own making.
Earlier this week, he told reporters that “I think I’ve called every family of someone who’s died,” though that claim was disputed by the Associated Press.
WATCH: Trump retracts claim that Obama never called families of fallen soldiers

He also called into question former president Barrack Obama’s actions, saying he didn’t call every fallen soldier’s family.
“You could ask General Kelly, did he get a call from Obama?” Trump asked on Fox News Tuesday morning.
John Kelly, a Marine general under Obama, is Trump’s chief of staff. His son, Marine 2nd Lt. Robert Kelly, was killed in Afghanistan in 2010. John Kelly was not seen at Trump’s public events Tuesday.
Trump’s posture has been defensive in recent days after he was criticized for not reaching out right away to relatives of the soldiers killed in Niger. On Monday, Trump said he’d written letters that hadn’t yet been mailed; his aides they had been awaiting information on the soldiers before proceeding.
The U.S. Department of Defense is investigating the attack in Niger.

Donald Trump tells soldier’s widow ‘he knew what he signed up for’ - National |

Sunday, November 20, 2016

New Law Now Charging All Protesters With Terrorism, Lawmakers URGING Americans To Share This

The United States is one of the best places to live. You have rights that are given to you from the Constitution, you have the freedom to do what you want (within reason of course), and you have the ability to live in one of the strongest nations in the world.
At least it is supposed to be like that. Unfortunately there are people called liberals that want to completely destroy everything that the Constitution gives you. They want to take away your free speech because it might offend them. They want to take away your ability to have a gun because they don’t like it. And finally they want to make the country into a globalist area.
Despite the fact that the United States was founded with the Constitution being the document that gives people power, the liberals have decided that they don’t like that anymore. They are literally doing what they can to destroy any evidence of that.
The most prominent example would be the fact that after the election was held, in which Donald Trump was the winner, entitled liberals were so angry that they decided they would go out and protest the results. Yes they were protesting the results of a FAIR election, despite the fact that there was still three million illegal votes cast.
And what do the Democratic leaders have to say about all of this? They have kept their mouths shut on the entire thing. Despite all summer long of having the liberals and their friends in the media saying that Trump needs to talk to his supporters for their “damages” caused, they haven’t done that either.
But it isn’t just the fact that the Democratic leaders are staying silent on the whole issue. There have been numerous reports that these protesters are actually getting paid by George Soros in order to create enough of a disturbance that something would get done. What the liberals want to do is stop the transfer of power.
That way Trump wouldn’t be the person in charge of the entire country. It would still be underneath President Obama. But that is what the liberals want; instead there is a new bill that is coming out that is sure to make liberals everywhere cry.
A Republican lawmaker has just come up with the perfect solution to make sure that these protesters stop acting like entitled liberals. The bill in question would allow authorities to charge protesters with committing “economic terrorism.” Washington state Senator Doug Ericksen is the one that is responsible for coming up with the bill.
“I respect the right to protest, but when it endangers people’s lives and property, it goes too far. Fear, intimidation, and vandalism are not a legitimate form of political expression. Those who employ it must be called to account. We are not just going after the people who commit these acts of terrorism. We are going after the people who fund them. Wealthy donors should not feel safe in disrupting middle-class jobs.”
The proposed bill, which is going to pass through considering that the Republicans control the House, the Senate, and the Presidency, would make
People Who Protest Like This Are Going To Get A Rude Wake Up Call

protesting a class C felony if they create any sort of “economic disruption” or “jeopardize human life and property.”
It would also mean that people that have been discovered to be in violation of this would face up to five years in prison, or a $10,000 fine, or both. Not only that, but any group that organizes a protest that is considered disruptive would also be charged with “economic terrorism.”
That means that these precious snowflakes that think they can get away with causing damage because they’re upset would have to think twice. But the saddest part about this whole thing is the fact that it was forced to be created. That was because the liberals that were protesting have a difficult time being peaceful.
They honestly think that the best way to go about this whole thing is to make sure that they cause as much damage and destruction as possible. And their defense for it is to say that they have a right to protest. The last time I checked, protesting didn’t involve lighting trashcans on fire or smashing car windshields. That isn’t a protest; that’s a full-blown riot!
And this is what we have been seeing from the numerous protests that have been going on since the election. There are people doing whatever they can to cause as much damage and destruction as possible. And these people need to learn that they can’t get away with this any longer.
Of course the other sad part is that a vast majority of these protesters didn’t even vote in the election. They had a prime opportunity to make sure that their voices were heard and they completely ignored that. And now they decided that they want to have their voice heard by causing as much damage as possible.
But that wasn’t the worst thing that they did. There was a report on CNN that had one of the protesters promising actual DEATH just to make sure that they got what they wanted. Yes these people are so crazy that they want to have people killed just to make sure that they get what they want. It’s people like this that had the bill created in the first place.
Share this article with your friends and family to show that people that are going to be protesting and causing damage and mayhem where they go are about to get a rude wake up call. A bill is going to be passed, thanks to an all Republican Congress, which is going to make sure that these protesters face justice for causing destruction.
This is just a way to ensure that we are stronger as a country under Trump. The past eight years have taught children that it is okay to be whiny and complain about everything. That time has past. We no longer have to accept the Band-Aid generation that was seen underneath Obama. This is just the first step into making this country stronger and it is going to continue. We WILL Make America Great Again!

Riot gear for anti-trump protesters

You have to admit.....this right here is funny! ROFL

Washington Post ‘Reporter’: If You Ask Questions About Anti-Trump Riots, You’re A Crazy Conspiracy Theorist


The media are not producing good stories about the organization behind anti-Trump protests because they think "organization" is a conspiracy theory.
A reporter for the Washington Post responded to a senator’s questions about anti-Trump protesters by comparing the senator to a conspiracy theorist who thinks the moon is preparing to invade Antarctica. That’s right: a journalist who works for the outlet that uncovered Watergate thinks asking questions makes you a crazy person.
This morning, U.S. Senator Ben Sasse had some questions:
Why don't we have more reporting on paid rioting?
Who pays for it?
How much?
Through what orgs?
Who are the "workers"?
Who recruits?
He followed it up:
Question for those certain there is no such thing as paid protesting:

Why not just report more on astroturfing then? Size? Funders? Limits?
These questions might just seem like an obvious and modest starting point for the type of things good journalists would look into. Obviously protests have groups organizing them and we have a history of paid agitation that we learned about as recently as, well, last month. It was a real, if woefully undercovered, issue throughout the campaign. There are probably a thousand good stories about the coalition power play between activists and the establishment in light of last week’s tremendous loss of power. Outside of newsrooms, people are wondering why these protests are being covered so kindly and favorably just weeks after the media spent three days melting down over Trump’s hesitancy to endorse an election that hadn’t occurred yet. (People tend to notice these things.) Inside newsrooms, it’s a different story. And Sasse’s tweets outraged liberal media.
Matthew Yglesias
One of Trump's leading former GOP critics now laying rhetorical groundwork for an authoritarian crackdown -->
I’m sure you can agree that Yglesias found a totally sane way to treat legitimate questions about protest organization.
Philip Bump used all his journalism skills to dig into the question thoroughly and conclusively. He spent so much time thoughtfully considering the questions and their answers that he had responded 90 minutes later with a Washington Post piece headlined “Sen. Sasse, here are some answers to your questions about ‘paid rioting’.”
And his superthorough investigation revealed that asking questions is a conspiracy:
Sasse’s question is a bit like asking why we don’t have more reporting on the fact that the Moon is preparing a superweapon with which to annex Antarctica.
Well, kids, I think we now know why we’re not getting (too many) good stories about the organization behind these protests. It’s because they think “organization” is a conspiracy theory.
He further explained:
So. Back to the senator’s questions.

“Who pays for it?” No one.

“How much?” Nothing.

“Why?” Like asking why the Moon wants to invade.

“Through what orgs?” None.

“Who are the ‘workers’?” They are “regular people.”
Um, if you say so, Philip Bump.
Funny thing about Philip Bump, of the Washington Post. You will never believe what his background includes. Take it away, Daily Caller, from when he was hired at the Post:
But lost in the media love fest was Bump’s partisan past — a history left unspoken in either the Post’s official announcement or any of the Twitter applause. Not only does Bump’s archive at The Wire betray a palpable bias in favor of progressivism; his career as a journalist began when he headed a vicious pro-labor blog which published the names and addresses of opponents later targeted by unions.
It goes on:
According to the political blog San Jose Inside, in 2009 Bump worked for the South Bay Labor Council (SBLC), a Silicon Valley-based union group with a penchant for making the political personal. Cindy Chavez, the group’s former chief executive, frequently targeted political opponents and local journalists who dared to stray from her preferred storyline.

Bump, for his part, was SBLC’s political director and administrator of “San Jose Revealed,” a pro-union website which published vitriolic hit pieces against the Council’s perceived enemies. Although the website was run anonymously, San Jose Inside discovered Bump’s connection through an examination of electronic evidence and two sources who alleged the SBLC made payments to him.

Under his direction, “San Jose Revealed” published the personal address — obtained under spurious circumstances — of a frequent target of pro-union groups. This individual’s home was later vandalized, with property destroyed and defiled with swastika graffiti.

Bump also reportedly published a map to the house of a deputy district attorney who prosecuted violent Bay Area gangs for a living, shamed a local business owner’s daughter for an unpaid garbage bill and posted the dating profile of an opposing local politician.
I think maybe part of the reason why nobody trusts the media is that they have paid activists writing their stories about why questions about paid activism are ridiculous. I could be wrong, but I think that might be part of it.
The failure to respond well to criticism or learn from mistakes might also play a role. Look at how Bump responded to criticism:
View image on Twitter
Also, this week the groupthink media narrative is that “fake news” is responsible for Donald Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton. And by “fake news” the media don’t mean “everything we published and broadcast and tweeted about the 2016 race, the candidates who campaigned in it, the storylines we pushed, and the storylines we suppressed.” They mean when your friend from 2nd grade shares a false story about aliens and Donald Trump. Yeah, that’s the ticket. They even pushed and promoted a fake news story about the fake news story, which is just awesome. I saw CBS News pushing the fake news story about fake news earlier today.
Well, I have an idea for where Philip Bump can start if he really cares about fake news. Back in March 2014, Philip Bump published fake information about, and I love this, how babies are made. He did it in service of attacking Marco Rubio and it was just so wrong that it was almost funny. I pointed out the error within hours, if not minutes. He still hasn’t corrected it. If he really truly cares about fake news and not just liberal activism, he should.
UPDATE: A reader found this 2013 Philip Bump gem from when he was capable of being inquisitive about paid activism:
The main question is this: Who hired Ovation to stage this totally authentic rally? Are there any morally questionable opponents of wind energy in the U.K. who are centered in midtown New York City and are willing to use money to buy allies, but not really very much money? Not that I can think of.

Update: Well, “Ovation” pulled the listing. (Of course.) But here’s a tip: If you wander around outside of Trump Tower in a trenchcoat whispering “man, i hate wind” under your breath, someone may hand you a $20 with a wink. You’ll know what to do.

Actor Goes off On Trump Supporters---their time to die

Michael Shannon Tells Trump Supporters It&#39;s Their Time to Die Now 

Michael Shannon may be on a press tour promoting his new movie Nocturnal Animals, but he’s also on the warpath, spewing harsh words at President-elect Donald Trump and any of the 60.9 million Americans who voted for him in the presidential election. And his feedback is getting pretty intense. Earlier this week he suggested that people supporting “the Orange Man” form their own country called “the United States of Moronic Fucking Assholes,” and in a new interview with Metro News, he’s sounding off again.
After suggesting that a civil war would be the only way to prevent Trump from assuming the highest office in the land, Shannon asserts that if you feel okay about supporting his presidency, it’s probably time for you to just die already. “There’s a lot of old people who need to realize they’ve had a nice life, and it’s time for them to move on,” Shannon said. “Because they’re the ones who go out and vote for these assholes. If you look at the young people, between 18 and 25, if it was up to them, Hillary would have been president. No offense to the seniors out there. My mom’s a senior citizen. But if you’re voting for Trump, it’s time for the urn.” And if your parents voted for Trump? “Fuck ’em. You’re an orphan now. Don’t go home. Don’t go home for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Don’t talk to them at all. Silence speaks volumes.” Despite being from the red state of Kentucky, Shannon says that no one in his immediate family “would ever remotely consider voting for Trump.” So, it sounds like no one around his holiday hearth will have to sit frozen in terror as he stares them down with his severely threatening gaze.